Explanation of icons
Icons |
Descriptions |
required |
Commands reflected in the display |
Requirement |
Not executable |
Commands executed by touch operation |
Requirement |
Executable |
Commands specified in ‘input.txt’ and |
Unnecessary |
----- |
Command type
General command |
Description |
[ ] |
Show variables |
< > |
Move page |
( ) |
Variable operation |
xxx{ } |
TOMATE command |
“ “ |
Output to file of “output.txt” |
Handling strings
l The
TOMATE command is basically composed of a three-letter statement and { }.
There should be no space between
the command and {.
Example) In the command pad{ }, do not put a space between "pad" and
"{" like pad_{}.
Line breaks in strings are "\n"
(ASCII: 0x5C 0x6E).
There is no distinction between character
strings and numbers, and character strings and numbers are automatically
All characters except single
quotes are treated as strings.
In the case of operation
statements, the right side is recognized as a "character string"
enclosed in single quotation marks.
l When
describing a character string to be displayed such as a message in a script, it
can be described as it is.
However, if you use parentheses,
commas, colons, and other character strings used in commands in the character
you can treat them as a single
character string by enclosing them in single quotation marks.
The command pad
{ Filter (ms) : 0 , 1000} will cause a compile error because () is
used in the title column.
(ms)’: 0 ,
1000} avoids errors by treating anything enclosed in ' ' as a character string.
l Single
quotes cannot be used in the display string.
Structure of this reference
Command description contents |
Description |
l Notes |
example |
Object Properties
Objects created with Tomate are
appended with the following properties:
Only display objects that define ‘dsp{}‘ / ‘img{}‘ / ‘bar{}‘ *2 Only display objects
that define ‘bar{ }’ / ‘dsp{ }’ |
‘P’ is a long press time with a positive value and a repeat time with a
negative value. |
See ‘pro{ }’ command for an
example. |
[V] Show the
variable ![\ノ杷R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image013.png)
[Variable ] |
Display the value of a variable
in an object. [variable
] Show variable
contents in target shape object |
Enclose in
[ ] l Variable names must be set in TOMATE's variable list l It is displayed in the font specified in the TOMATE app. |
[num] Display
the contents of the variable name ‘num‘ in an object. |
(f) Variable
operations ![^b`ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image014.png)
![input.txt ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image015.png)
( Formula : Lower|[ V], Upper|[ V] ) |
Calculate an expression enclosed
in parentheses (). Formula Formula‘s format is ‘(Variable) (Expression) (Value) ‘ (Variable) Variable
name *
The ‘[ ] ‘ is not required. (Expression) Substitution and Calculation are assigned from the right side to the left side.
Comparison gives a true (=1) or false (=0) results of the left and right sides.
(Value) numeric
value or [variable]
* ‘[]’ is required for variable Lower| [V] Lower
limit of the lower value. [Variable] is also allowed. (optional) Upper| [V] Upper
limit of upper value. [variable] is also allowed. (optional) * Operation when only one Lower or Upper
is specified
l Enclose arithmetic expressions in
parentheses (). l Operations are only assignment
operations. l When the variable and the value are
‘numeric’, it becomes a numerical operation. l The display of the decimal point depends
on the number of decimal places of the used variable or real number. l Rounding less than the displayed value
is round to even numbers. l Numeric values are treated as strings by
enclosing them in single quotation marks('). l If either is a ‘character string‘, the character string is added or deleted. l In the case of comparison, '1' or '0' is the return value, and in the case of assignment/operation, the variable content on the left side is the return value. l
In the case of >, >=,
<, <= comparison, they are converted to floating point type and
compared. |
(var = 100) Assign
10 0 to [var] (var += [x]:0,3) var=var+
value of [x] (If the upper limit exceeds 3, it loops to 0) (var += 1:10) var=var+1
(10 or higher holds to 10) (var -= 1:0) var=var-1
(0 or lower holds to 0) (var -= 10:[a],[b]) var=var-10 ([a] and [b] below) (str = AB) str
is the string ‘AB‘ (str+=C) Add
‘C‘ to the end of the string str (str -= 2) Remove
two characters from the end of str (num += '2') Add
‘2’ as a string to the end of [num] (str -= ' ') Delete
one character from the end of [str] (characters within ' ' are ignored) (str += 'A':10) Add
the character 'A' to the end of [str] (11 characters or more cannot be added) if{ (a > 10) : (a=0) } If
variable [a] exceeds 10, set it to 0. if{ (str==OK) : <@next> } If variable [str] is
‘OK’, go to next page. |
<p> Page
![input.txt ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image017.png)
<page | [V] : 1 > |
Go to the specified page. <page> Go
to page name page (variable is also acceptable) <@next> Move
to next page (page order in TOMATE) <@prev> Previous
page move (page order in TOMATE) <@back> Back
to the previous page <page:1> Display
page on top of current page (currently page is page) <@get> Get the current page name (output the current page name to output.txt) |
l Enclose the page specification within ‘< >’. l
When an object with a page
navigation command is touched, the specified page will be displayed. l
When the page is navigated
to, the script written in the page's “ON_DISP” will be executed. l The <@get> command is applicable from version 1.03 onwards. |
When Tomate is specified in
page name order ‘1‘, ‘2‘, ‘3‘ <1> Go
to page ‘1‘ <@Next> Go
to next page ‘2‘ <3:1> The
current ‘2‘ page is overlaid with the page ‘3‘ <@prev> Show
page ‘2‘ before ‘3‘ <@back> Show
page ‘3‘ immediately preceding (do not overlap the
current page) <[page]> Go
to page name stored in variable the [page] <@get> The
current page name is output to output.txt enclosed in '< >' |
bar{} Progress bar display ![\ノ杷R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image018.png)
bar{ [V] : Max |[ V] : H| V } |
Show a progress bar. [V] Variable
name to store progress value (required) Max| [V] Maximum value variable
allowed (minimum value is fixed 0) H| V Progress
bar orientation (optional) 'H'
= Progress in landscape orientation (left to right) 'V'
= Progress in portrait orientation (bottom to up) |
If the
orientation is omitted, it is in landscape orientation. l
size, position, and color of the bars reflect the content specified in the
Tomate tool. |
bar{ [i] : 100 } Display a horizontal progress bar
corresponding to the value of [i] as an upper limit
of 100 bar{num : 255 : V} As the upper limit of 255, display a
vertical progress bar corresponding to the value of [num] |
bgm{} BGM playing
![input.txt ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image017.png)
bgm{ file | No | [V], cmd : volume } |
Sounds BGM from the BGM
registration list and file name. File File name that exists in current folder. No Or
BGM list number registered in Tomate or [variable] cmd 0=Stop,
1~99=Playback number of times, -1=Continuous loop playback, Volume Set
volume 0~100 (optional) |
sound formats that can be used are ".wav", ".mp3", and
".mid". l
‘cmd‘ is
omitted, BGM is played once. l
specified number of times of reproduction is from 3 times. l
is the volume relative to the current system volume. (If system volume = 80%,
specified volume = 50%, the playback volume will be 40% of the system volume) l
a new playback command is issued during music playback, the previous music
will be interrupted and played. l If Volume is omitted, the system will play at the current volume. l ‘file | No | [V]’ is ignored during stop command (cmd=0). |
bgm{ 1,-1 : 50 } Loop playback
of the first sound source in the sound source list at 50% volume bgm{ sound.mp3, 1 } Play ‘sound.mp3‘ in current folder once
at current volume bgm{ 1 , 3000 } Stop the currently playing BGM fade out in 3 seconds |
brt{} Brightness Set / Get ![^b`ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image020.png)
![input.txt ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image017.png)
brt{ Value | [V] : @get } |
Set the brightness of the
backlight Value| [V] Brightness 0~255
or [variable] @get Get
current brightness (optional) |
outside the range and non-numeric values are ignored. l
If ’@get’ is specified, a variable must be
specified. l
the ‘brt{
}’ command during sleep to wake up. l
setting value is stored in the current path. |
brt{ 50 } Set brightness to 50 brt{ [V] } Set the luminance to the
value of the variable [V] brt{ [V] : @get } Get the current luminance in variable [V] brt{ } Wake at current brightness on sleep. |
ckb{} Checkbox display ![\ノ杷R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image021.png)
ckb{ [var ] : strings : mark0, mark1 } |
Show checkboxes. [var] A
variable that stores the check value strings Strings to display mark0 Uncheck Mark character
(optional) mark1 Mark character with check
(optional) |
l Display a checkbox to the left of the strings, and when clicking the object, the box switches the checking. l The variable is ‘1’ in checking, ‘0’ in un-checking. l
character l The checkbox depends on the font style. |
ckb{ [var] : } Display check box only. ckb{ [var] : Options } Display ‘☑ Options’ on the object and change the value
with clicking. ckb{ [var] : Do not display from next time: -, + } "- Do not display from next
time" is displayed, and when touched, it changes to ‘+’. ckb{ [var] : : OFF, O N } Displays "OFF" or
"ON" according to the value of the variable [var] |
Batch execution ![^b`ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image022.png)
![input.txt ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image023.png)
cmd{ cmd1 : cmd2 : ... : cmdN } |
Run commands in bulk. cmd1 1st
command cmd2 2nd
command cmdN Nth
command |
l Commands separated by colons e:f |
(a+=1) : (b+=1) : (c-=10) : (d*=10) } Combine arithmetic expressions in bulk if{ (V==0) : cmd{ (a+=1) : (b+=1)} : cmd{ (c=10) : (d=10) } } Example of
combining commands in a batch with an if statement |
String indicator ![\ノ杷R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image024.png)
dsp{ [var] : N=strN, fcolN, bcolN : ... } |
Display text in the specified color scheme. The display is the same as the value specified in the variable. [var] A
variable that stores the value N Corresponding
value (else in ‘E‘ or ‘e‘) strN Corresponding
display string (Variables can be specified) fcolN Text
color (optional) bcolN background
color (optional) |
l Display the string s
tr corresponding to the value of the var variable in the object specified by
Tomate in the specified color of ‘fcolN‘ and ‘bcolN‘. l Color notation can be in RGB color
number #000000 ~ #FFFFFF format or color name notation such as ‘black‘, ‘white‘, ‘blue‘, etc. l If the text color and background color are omitted, it depends on the drawing object. l You can specify variables enclosed in [ ] in the display string. (Ver1.01 and later) |
dsp{ [val] : E=Kuro,
black : 1=Aka, red : 2=Ao, blue : 3=Shiro : white, gray } When
val=1, ‘Aka‘ is displayed
in red letters, when val=2 is displayed as ‘Ao‘ in
blue letters, when val=3, ‘Shiro‘ is displayed in
White letters on an ash background, and otherwise ‘Kuro‘ is displayed in
black letters. dsp{ [val] : e=ITEM0,#000000,#FFFFFF
: 1=ITEM1,#FFFFFF,#FF0000 : 2=ITEM3,#FFFFFF,#0080FF } Example of specifying the color notation with RGB number dsp{
[gender] : male=Mr. George, female= Ms. Mary } Example in case of the variable is not number. dsp{
[i] : 0=[name1] :
1=[name2], white, red : e=[name3], white, red } Example of
specifying a variable in the display string |
![input.txt ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image023.png)
if{ (formula ) : True-cmd : False-cmd } |
Branch processing is performed based on the result of comparison
operation. (formula) Right-hand side [comparison
expression ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=] Multiple comparison expressions
include &(and), | (or) can be used True-cmd When the comparison is
true, the command to be executed False-cmd When the comparison is
false, the command to be executed (Optional) |
l The comparative expression is of the
form of only two terms l The left-hand side is variable only, and
the variable symbol [ ] can be omitted. l The variable [ ]
on the right side is necessary. l In the case of >, >=, <, <= comparison, they are
converted to floating point type and compared. |
if{ (var==1) :
<@next> } if{ (var==1) : msg{Var is true} : msg{Var is false} } if{ (v1<[v2]
& v3<[v4]) : msg{ It is true. } : msg{ It is false. } } if{ (V1>=[V2] |
V3>=[V4] | V5>=[V6]) : msg{ TRUE. } : msg{ FALSE. } } |
Interval processing ![^b`ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image022.png)
![input.txt ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image023.png)
int{ time : cmd } |
Perform processing at specified time intervals. time interval
time (x1ms) cmd command |
l Only one interval operation is performed
in all screens. l Interval processing stops when the page
switches. |
int{ 1000 : (tm+=1) } +1 the variable [tm] at 1 second intervals |
Image display ![\ノ杷R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image025.png)
img{ file | list-No | [V] | (f) } |
Display the specified image in the frame range of the drawing object. file File name that exists in current folder. list-No Or
the image number registered in Tomate's image list [V]| (f) Or
[variable] (arithmetic expression) |
l The size of the image is automatically scaled to the W,H ratio of the object frame, keeping the ratio of the original image. |
img{ image.jpg } Display
the image of ‘image.jpg’ in the object frame. img{1} Display
the first image of the registered image list in the object frame. img{ [num] } Display
the variable [num]-th image in the registered image
list in the object frame. |
Message box display ![^b`ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image026.png)
![input.txt ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image027.png)
msg{ Message : Btn1=Cmd1, Btn2=Cmd2, Btn3=Cmd3 : @wait =millisecond } |
Display a message box. Message To
display messages Btn1~3 Characters
to display in button # (optional) Cmd 1~3 Command
to execute when button # is pressed (optional) @wait Time
to auto-erase message box in x1ms (optional) |
l Message statements can be newline with ‘\n‘ (ASCII:0x5C,0x6E) character. l If ‘Cmd#‘ is omitted, only the button is displayed. l If ‘Btn#‘ is omitted, the OK button is automatically added. l Omitting ‘Btn#‘ when ‘@wait‘
is specified hides the button. l When the button is pressed, the message box is closed. |
msg{ Changed settings. } with the OK button automatically msg{
Are you sure to delete the file? : OK=”REMOVE” , Cancel } Press OK to output the ‘REMOVE‘ string to ‘output .txt‘. msg{ password is
different. : @wait=3000 } |
Text output
![input.txt ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image052.png)
out{ strings
| [V] | @clr } “strings” |
Outputs the specified character string to [output.txt]. Strings Prints
the specified string [V] Output
variable contents @clr Clear
output.txt contents |
l If it is a fixed string, it may be
simply enclosed in double quotation marks (“). l When written in Script, the specified
string is written to output.txt each time the corresponding object is
touched. l This character string can be read by a
user program or the like to determine which object is being touched. |
“Hello” Added ‘Hello’ to output.txt. out{ [var] } Append the contents of the variable [var] to output.txt. out{ @clr } Clear the contents of output.txt. |
pad{} Keypad Input
![input.txt ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image052.png)
[var] :
pad{Title, Min, Max, Digit : Cmd } pad{ [var] : Title, Min, Max, Digit : Cmd } |
Display a keypad for entering
numbers and letters. [var] Name
of the variable to be set Title Messages
to display on the Title keypad Min Minimum value if
set to numeric (optional) Max Maximum value when set
to numeric value (optional) Digit Maximum
number of digits that can be entered, Cmd Command to run after setting the value (optional) |
Min, Max is set, the string of ‘Min ~ Max‘ value is
added to ‘Title‘. l
Min and Max are omitted, it becomes a character string. (Can be used for IP
and TEL) l
there is only one ‘Min‘, ‘Max‘, or ‘Digit‘ item,
‘Digit‘ is specified. l If ‘Min‘ and ‘Max‘ is specified, the enterable decimal places are the decimal places of ‘Min‘. l If ‘Digit‘ is set and there is more input than the specified digits, the input will not be accepted. l If Min, Max and Digit are not specified, the maximum input digits will be 16 digits. |
[num] : pad{enter a number,0,9999 : msg{
numeric. } } Display the keypad, assign the entered value 0~9999 to the variable num and display the value on the object. Display message after confirming input. [num] : pad{ Input value : 0.001, 9999, 5 } Accepts input up to 5 digits
including the decimal point in the range of 0.001 to 9999. pad{ [str] : Enter IP address, 15 } Display the keypad, assign the
entered 15-digit value as a string to the variable [str], but the value is
not displayed on the object. (In the case of a character string
specification, multiple periods and hyphens can be entered.) |
pro{} Property Change/Get ![^b`ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image028.png)
![input.txt ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image052.png)
pro{ page, ID, prop, val | [V]| (f) : @get} |
Change the properties of an
object. page Name
(only '@' mark for current page) ID Object
ID in the page prop Object
properties (X, Y, W, H, V, B, P, LC, PC, Script) value| [V]|(f) Property
value or variable or comparison operation expression @get Get
the current contents to variable [V] |
l Calculation expressions are True='1', False='0', which is limited only to comparison expressions (arithmetic expressions such as +=, -=, etc. are always true) |
pro{ page1, IMG_001, V, 0 } Set the 0
(erase) to the V (visible) of the ID gIMG_001h in page1 pro{ @, BOX, V, (val==0) } Set the result of (val==0) to the ID ‘BOX’ object display of the current
page |
pwd{} Password input/setup ![^b`ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image028.png)
![input.txt ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image052.png)
pwd{ [var ] | pass : Title | @setup : Cmd1 : Cmd2 } |
Display a keypad for entering
passwords. [var] | pass A
variable that contains the password or password value Title | @setup Messages to display on the Title keypad, or
setup the password. Cmd1 Command
to run on match Cmd2 Command
to run on mismatch |
l Setting ‘Title‘ to ‘@setup‘ sets a password, and you can set it by entering the password twice. (Password setting is required for variables) l In the Title column in the password setting, the PWD1 and PWD2 messages registered in "Keypad" of "Parts Edit" are displayed for the first and second times. l The maximum number of digits that can be entered for a password is 16 characters. |
pwd{ [pass] : Enter password : <@next> : msg{ Wrong code! } } The entered value matches the value of the variable [pass] on the next page, and the message is displayed when there is a mismatch. pwd{ 1234 : Enter the code : <page> : snd{4} }
The value entered is 1234 and
the page moves in the match, the sound rings in the mismatch. [Example of password change] pwd{ [pass] : @setup : msg{ password changed. } : msg{ Please try again. }} Enter the password twice, and if the two match, store it in the variable the [pass]. |
rnd{} Random number ![^b`ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image053.png)
![input.txt ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image052.png)
rnd{ [V] : min, max : seed } |
Generate random numbers. [V] Variable
to store random numbers min Lower
bound of random numbers max Maximum
upper bound of random numbers |
the seed value is set, the random numbers generated thereafter will be based
on the set seed value. |
rnd{ [num] : 1, 1000 } Generate random numbers in
the range of 1~1000 and store them in [num] rnd{ [num] : 1, 1000 : 365 } In the range of 1 ~ 1000,
generate a random number with a seed value of 365 and store it in [num] |
sel{} Item
selection(Selector) ![^b`ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image054.png)
![input.txt ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image052.png)
[val] : sel{ Title : n0=dsp0,
n1=dsp1 ,
... : Cmd } sel{ [val] :Title : n0=dsp0, n1= dsp1, ... : Cmd } |
Show a selector tool to select
an item. [var] A
variable that stores the value of the selected item Title Messages
to display on the Selector parts n# = Value of
item # (optional) dsp# Item# display name Cmd Command
to execute after selection (optional) |
a DSP string is displayed in the item field of the selector and selected, the
item number is stored in the variable [var]. l When a variable is written outside the command, the display name corresponding to the value is displayed. l The value corresponding to the display name can be either a numerical value or a character string. l
the number of items exceeds the number of items displayed on one page of the
selector, a page switching button is automatically displayed on the selector. l If the item number is omitted, a sequence number of 0~ is automatically added. l If the selection is canceled (by touching outside the frame), the command will not be executed. |
[var] : sel{ Select region : 0=Other, 1=Northeast, 2=Midwest,
3=South, 4=West } The target object displays the name of the
selected region, and var stores the number. sel{ [var] : Select gender :Other, Male, Female } The number selected as 0=Other,
1=Male, 2=Female is stored in [var]. sel{ [x] : Select value : 1,2,3,4,5 : <@next> } 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are displayed as options, and when selected, the page moves to the next page. When an item is selected, 0 to 4 will be stored in the variable [x]. |
slp{} Backlight Set / Get ![^b`ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image055.png)
![input.txt ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image056.png)
slp{ Second | [V] : @get } |
Set the automatic off-time of the backlight when inoperative Second| [V] Auto-off time (seconds) or
[variable] @get Get
the current setting value to [Variable] |
other than a number is ignored. l
It lights
up when you touch the screen when the light is turned off automatically. l
‘@get’ is specified, a variable must be specified. l
setting value is stored in the current path. |
slp{ 900 } Set the auto-off time to 15
minutes. Set the automatic light off
time to the value of variable [V]. Stores the current off setting time in variable [V]. |
snd{} Sound effects
![input.txt ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image056.png)
snd{ file | No | [V], loop : volume } |
Play sound effects from the
sound effect registration list or file name. File File name that exists in current folder. No or [V] Tomate
registered sound source list number or [variable] loop Loop count 0~10 (optional) volume Volume 0~100 (Optional) |
only sound format that can be used is ‘.wav’ format. l
loop is omitted, it is played once. l
loop is set to 0, the sound effect stops playing. l
is the volume relative to the current system volume. (If system volume = 80%,
specified volume = 50%, the playback volume will be 40% of the system volume) l If Volume is omitted, it will be played at the current system volume. |
snd{ 1 } Play the first sound source
in the sound source list once (volume is the current value) snd{ beep.wav, 2 : 100 } Ring the ‘beep.wav’ in
current folder twice at 100% volume |
swi{ } Switch condition
branch ![^b`ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image054.png)
![input.txt ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image056.png)
swi{ [var]|(f) : V=cmd : … : VN=cmdN : @=dflt } |
Compare with the value of the
variable var and branch to switch or case. [var]|(f)
or expression that stores the value to be compared V=
Comparison value such as a number or
string (constants only) (optional) cmd Command or expression when matched @=dflt
when default is specified (optional) |
the command whose comparison value matches the variable [var]. l
comparison value ‘V=’ can be omitted. If omitted, a consecutive number
starting from 0 will be automatically assigned. l
comparison value can be either a number or a string. l Compatible with TOMATE v1.02.0 and later |
swi{ [i] : 1=(str=’A’) : 2=(str=’B’) : 3=(str=’C’) : @=(str=’ ‘) } When the content of
variable i is 1, A is stored in variable str, when
it is 2, when it is 3, C is stored in variable str otherwise blank is stored. swi{ [i] : @=(str=’ ‘) : (str=’A’) : (str=’B’) :
(str=’C’) } The
above comparison value is omitted. @= is 0 or other, and a consecutive number
from 1 is specified. swi{ (s) : Spring=(i=4) : Summer=(i=7) : Autumn=(i=9) : Winter=(i=11) } When
the content of variable s is the corresponding string, the value is set to
variable i. |
tim{} Display date and time ![\ノ杷R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image057.png)
tim{ format } |
Display a clock on an object. Format edy/mo/yr hr:mi:scf etc. yr
Year mo Month dy Day hr Time mi Minute sc Seconds |
clock is displayed on the object drawn in Tomate application. l
such as ‘yr’, ‘mo’, and ’dy’
are replaced with values from the built-in clock l The date is zero-suppressed, and the time is zero-padding. |
tim{ mo / dy / yr hr : mi : sc } Western calendar, date and time display as g09 / 05 / 2022 12 : 34 : 56h tim{ hr : mi : sc } Show clock time only |
tms{} Set date and
time ![タッチ操作にて実行されるコマンド](Tomate-Reference_JP.files/image014.png)
![input.txt にて実行されるコマンド](Tomate-Reference_JP.files/image024.png)
tms{ yr=num | [V1], mo=num
| [V2], … , sc=num | [V] } tms{ yr=[V1], mo=[V2],
… , sc=[V] : @get } |
Sets/gets the current time. Format yr: year mo: month dy: day hr: hour mi: minute sc: second num | [V] Number or variable to set @get Get time in variable [V] (Option) |
l Windows system cannot change the clock. l
When the Raspberry Pi is
online, it obtains the time via the network, You cannot change the time. l Always specify a variable when @get is attached. |
tms{ yr=2022, mo=10, dy=22, hr=12,
mi=34, sc=00 } Set the year, date and time to '2022/10/22 12:34:00' tms{ hr=[hour], mi=[minute], sc=[sec] } tms{ yr=[Y], mo=[M], dy=[D], hr=[h],
mi=[m], sc=[s] : @get } Store the current date and time in variables tms{ hr=[h], mi=[m], sc=[s] : @get } Store only the current time in variables |
var{} Read variables
![input.txt ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image056.png)
var{ V1, V2, EEE , Vn : Flag } |
Prints the contents of the
specified variable to ‘output.txt’. V1 1st
variable name V2 2nd
variable name Vn n
variable name Flag If
h:flagh is specified, output with ‘variable name=’
(optional) |
by commas, multiple variables can be specified together. l
contents of the specified variables are printed to output.txt, enclosed in { } and separated by commas, in the order specified. l
newlines are appended as string ‘\n’. l
The “:Flag” specification
only requires a colon and string, and the contents of Flag are ignored. |
var{ a, b, msg, str } Return value (output.txt) à { 10, 5, Hello!\nWorld, Apple } var{ a, b, msg, str :1 } Return value (output.txt) à { a=10, b=5, msg=Hello!\nWorld, str=Apple } |
vol{} Volume Set / Get ![^b`ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image054.png)
![input.txt ノて市R}h](Tomate-Reference_EN.files/image056.png)
vol{ Value | [V] : @get } |
Set the system volume Value| [V] Set volume to
0~100 or [Variable] @get Store
the current volume in variable [V] (optional) |
‘bgm{}‘ commands are played based on this volume. l
The volume cannot be changed
during playback. l
If ‘@get’
is specified, a variable must be specified. l
setting value is stored in the current path. |
vol{ 50 } Set volume
to 50% vol{ [V] } Set the
volume to the value of the variable [V] vol{ [V] : @get } Store the
currently set volume to [V] |
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